Connecticut Parks Association
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Membership Drive

Join Connecticut’s Network of Park Professionals!
The 2025 Connecticut Parks Association membership drive is underway! Membership is open to professional executive and superintendent/supervisory level managers of park systems and related fields, business representatives from the parks and recreation industry, and others who exhibit high interest in and contribute to the mission of the Association.  
Founded in 1958, the Connecticut Parks Association promotes access to parks in our communities through development, maintenance, and preservation. The Association encourages communication among park professionals through training workshops that target park management. We actively promote favorable legislation for parks and park development on the state and national level.

We also support future leaders through our Dennis Malone Scholarship Program.

Becoming a member is easy through our website, where you can log in, register for a membership and print an invoice for your town/organization to process.

Membership Options:
  1. Professional Membership - $25.00
  2. Commercial Membership - $35.00
  3. Agency Membership -  $75.00
  4. Student Membership - $5.00
  5. Retiree Membership - FREE
Need help with your memberships or registrations? Connect with Colin Drury -

Payments by checks should be made out to:
Connecticut Parks Association
Payments by checks should be made out to:
Connecticut Parks Association, and send to CPA Treasurer:

Jon Daley
Meriden Parks & Rec
460 Liberty Street
Meriden, CT  06450

Sponsorships Available - Click here to learn more.